Meet the native cats of texas

Individual Cats

There are five species of wild cats that currently or historically call Texas home: jaguars, mountain lions, bobcats, ocelots, and jaguarundis.


What do Texans believe about our mountain lion?

Texas Native Cats partnered with Texas A&M University to poll residents to find out. Among many other results, survey participants overwhelmingly believe that efforts should be made to ensure the survival of this species in Texas.

Proudly Supported By Texan Organizations


Jaguars of Brazil: Bridging Science and Tourism

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Engage & Educate

We share the story of our cats with master naturalists, visitors to state parks, nature centers, libraries and universities, among others.

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Inform & Inspire

It is often said that understanding our natural world is the first step in conserving it for the future.

“Wildlife belongs to everyone.

Texas cats belong to everyone in our state. Let's ensure that our mountain lions, ocelots, and bobcats endure for tomorrow's generations.

Monica Morrison
Dallas, Texas

"Cats play a key role in Texas."

I'm grateful for a collaborative approach to wildlife leadership that will provide future generations--including my kids--the opportunity to enjoy these beautiful creatures.

Ryan Trimble
Dallas, Texas

"Native cats have cultural and historical significance in Texas."

I’m proud to be part of this team that understands & appreciates these magnificent animals and their importance to Texas identity.

Marianne Ortiz
Dallas, Texas
What texans have to say

Hear From Our Team Members

Meet key individuals behind the Texas Native Cats mission.